Archive for March 17th, 2012

17 Mar 2012

Posted by under Dave's Thoughts

St Paddy’s Day Update

Once again its time for the annual update on the license plate game! The anticipation you all must feel as you wait for this day must be a lot like Christmas – except you don’t get any presents. Or turkey. Or shortbread. Or a statutory holiday.

Well, enough rejoicing – here are the sad facts. The recession seems to have affected my progress quite a bit this year as I have only counted a mere 42 plates in the 9th year of playing the game. I saw plate 721 earlier this week. This has dropped the average rate from 85 plates/year (after 8 years) to 80 plates/year or 6.7 plates/month. The rate over the last year was only 3.6 plates/month. Scott will be catching up with me.

I think that the increasing numbers of the 4 digit plates, which are harder to read at a distance, and the fact that I don’t drive in rush hour nearly as much as I previously did are big factors in the slow down.

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