04 Jan 2016 03:39 pm

Posted by under Dave's Thoughts,Family

Winter Walks

One of the problems with Christmas is that there are far too many delicious goodies around the house – and this while the days are short and the weather cold. The antidote is, of course, to get out and get moving – something that we are finding a little easier to do now living in Calgary. We can actually walk though really nice parks that are just a few blocks from the house. Or, as we discovered over the holidays, just by stopping and walking while out running errands.

Over the past week, Brenda and I walked up Nose Hill on a bright clear day, took Chloe to the dog park in her new coat and did a long walk through Sandy Beach while the kids were swimming at the local pool.

The plan is definitely to keep up the walking – at least until the Christmas calories are dealt with!

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